var lc_message = "Message"; var lc_camp_delete_0 = "Do you want to delete the campaign"; var lc_camp_delete_1 = "This can't be undone."; var lc_contact_delete_0 = "Are you sure you want to delete"; var lc_contact_delete_1 = "contact(s)? This operation can't be undone"; var lc_coupon_save = "Save"; var lc_edit = "Edit"; var lc_delete = "Delete"; var lc_active = "Active"; var lc_scheduled = "Scheduled"; var lc_expired = "Expired"; var lc_add_integ = "Add integration"; var lc_schedule_title = "Schedule"; var lc_counter_camp = "Countdown Timer"; var lc_shipping_camp = "Free Shipping"; var lc_popup_addsec_timer = "Timer"; var lc_popup_addsec_cta = "Call to action"; var lc_popup_addsec_teaser = "Teaser"; var lc_popup_addsec_coupon = "Coupon"; var lc_delete_pop_coupon_title = "Delete coupon code?"; var lc_delete_pop_coupon_body = "Are you sure you want to delete coupon code?"; var lc_delete_pop_cta_title = "Delete call to action?"; var lc_delete_pop_cta_body = "Are you sure you want to delete call to action?"; var lc_delete_pop_timer_title = "Delete timer?"; var lc_delete_pop_timer_body = "Are you sure you want to delete timer?"; var lc_delete_pop_teaser_title = "Delete teaser?"; var lc_delete_pop_teaser_body = "Are you sure you want to delete teaser?"; var lc_add_elements = "Add elements"; var lc_toast_saved = "Changes saved"; var lc_toast_scheduled = "Campaign scheduled"; var lc_toast_error = "Unknown error"; var lc_toast_server_error = "Server error"; var lc_toast_deleted = "Campaign deleted"; var lc_toast_contact_deleted = "Contacts deleted"; var lc_toast_paused = "Campaign paused"; var lc_toast_activated = "Campaign activated"; var lc_pricing_save_up = "Save up to"; var lc_integ_pop_target_title = " integration"; var lc_cpn_page_create_title = "Create new coupon"; var lc_contacts_showing_contacts = "Showing contacts"; var lc_contacts_showing_to = "to"; var lc_sch_shopify_timezone = "Use Shopify store's time zone"; var lc_toast_cpn_created = "Coupon created"; var lc_toast_cpn_deleted = "Coupon deleted"; var lc_toast_integ_deleted = "Integration deleted"; var lc_toast_integ_added = "Integration added"; var lc_integ_connect = "Connect"; var lc_integ_disconnect = "Disconnect"; var lc_integ_verified = "Verified"; var lc_match_font = "Match Store Font"; var lc_cta_btn_text = "Button text"; var lc_cta_link_text = "Link text"; var lc_shipping_add_offer = "Add extra offer"; var lc_shipping_rmv_offer = "Remove extra offer"; var lc_rmv_offer_pop_title = "Delete message?"; var lc_rmv_offer_pop_body = "Are you sure you want to remove extra offer?"; var lc_cta_phone = "Phone number"; var lc_cta_facebook = "Facebook page handle"; var lc_pop_main_trgr_freq_info = "The popup will stop being displayed after the signup form is submitted."; var lc_pop_main_trgr_freq_warning = "Visitors will see the popup on every page load. Consider extending the time frame."; var lc_cpn_off = "off"; var lc_cpn_pop_type_shipping = "Free shipping"; var lc_cpn_pop_from = "From"; var lc_cpn_pop_today = "today"; var lc_cpn_pop_done = "Done"; var lc_pricing_billed_monthly = "Billed monthly"; var lc_pricing_billed_yearly = "Billed yearly"; var lc_nav_dashboard = "Dashboard"; var lc_nav_contacts = "Contacts"; var lc_nav_coupons = "Coupons"; var lc_nav_integrations = "Integrations"; var lc_nav_pricing = "Plans & Pricing"; var lc_nav_settings = "Settings"; var lc_editor_srch_icons_empty = "No icons found"; var lc_editor_srch_images_empty = "No images found"; var lc_target_specific_cntry_title = "Or choose specific countries..."; var lc_target_specific_clction_title = "Or choose specific collections..."; var lc_target_specific_prdct_title = "Or choose specific products..."; var lc_target_choose_specific = "Or choose specific"; var lc_target_vendor = "Vendors"; var lc_target_tag = "Tags"; var lc_pricing_invalid_coupon = "Invalid coupon"; var lc_bar = "Bar"; var lc_embed = "Embed"; var lc_popup = "Popup"; var lc_pop_main_basic_add = "Add"; var lc_slider_smaller = "Smaller"; var lc_slider_small = "Small"; var lc_slider_normal = "Normal"; var lc_slider_large = "Large"; var lc_slider_larger = "Larger";